Brompton Abracadabra
- Campaign
Our friends and collaborators Science Magic invited us to work with them to create a global campaign for Brompton Bicycles.
We helped create a look, feel and animation style to bring to life the idea of magical engineering. “ab ra ca dab ra” is a reference to the magic inherent in the engineering of the bicycle and the endless positive possibilities a Brompton provides. The five folds of the bicycle are echoed in the five syllables of ab ra ca dab ra, and this is further reinforced through the animation of copylines consisting of five words, or five syllables.
We delivered a creative solution to express the core idea, provided art direction for the CGI animations and created a suite of finished films in a myriad of formats to be used globally.
Tony Davidson
Kim Papworth
Daniel Eatock
Art Practice
Time Based Arts
Strings and Tins
Havas Media UK